Group booking / Hire a room

UTC provides the perfect solution for your training space needs with private group sessions and studio rentals available. Whether you’re organizing a group workout, or seeking a dedicated space for training, we’ve got you covered. Join us and take advantage of our versatile facilities today
Pricing and conditions
For group bookings, a one-hour training session with one of our qualified coaches is included. To secure your booking, prebooking is essential, along with the required non-refundable $50 deposit. For more details or to reserve your booking, please fill out the ‘contact us form’ below. If you need to book a session/room TODAY, you must call us: (02) 96734047
Service | Price |
Group Bookings/Space Rental | $250/ 1 hour |
Deposit (Prebooking) | $50 (required) |
Group Bookings, additional Attendees (if >20) | $15/ per person |